Why Go For MODX Development?

Why Go For MODX Development?
When it comes to choosing a content management system, you will for sure find a number of options which you can use to build your website. Over the time, WordPress has managed to be the best solution and gained user attention and have been used to scale up business projects. Every CMS comes with a set of pros and cons and choosing MODX has its set of benefits too. MODX development services are available today for all streams of businesses and a good MODX development company is capable to offer the best results.

There are a few things to love MODX and they are:

  • Looking for ultimate control

MODX is like a blank page and here you don’t have to take the efforts to remove the things you don’t want to have and you get to build everything just from the ground level. MODX comes with third-party plugins like WordPress, but, here you will have to design everything from scratch. This means developers will be able to identify the issues and solve the bugs as all the projects are hand-coded personally.

Here customization is preferred over convenience and MODX comes with the right structure which leads the developers towards best coding practices. With company looking for solution that define and differentiate with a different customer proposition it becomes important to have a CMS solution which offers large amount of flexibility.

  • Being popular is not always good

The popularity of CMS has increased due to WordPress in the market. The platform is user-friendly and easy to access. When it comes to security this becomes even more important. The less popular ones are not much targeted by hackers which mean that when the WordPress will be facing issues, the MODX site will be busy serving the customers.

  • Customization brings in responsibility

When it comes to customization, it becomes really cumbersome to manage the changes that take place constantly. In such a situation, MODX seems to be a better option which offers us the plugin like SEOTab from Sterc. The best thing about such a plugin is that you get to move the containers, change he directory structure, put resources into and take out the resources out of collection. When you use SEOTab, it will keep a track of all the old URLs and in case a user clicks on it after it has been moved elsewhere, it will create a 301 redirect automatically so that the user will be taken to the current URL.

  • MODX developers

When we talk about MODX, it is not possible to leave behind the MODX developers. They inspire others to take up the projects in MODX. With fewer resources available in MODX, it becomes important to get quality resources than quantity. If you manage to find a few, it can prove beneficial to novice developers. Having a running MODX website can seem to be great when it is up to teaching new developers about complex concepts.

  • Use the existing ones

With MODX templating and compartmentalization becomes very easy. Make use of templates, chunks, snippet and plugins in MODX project. Make use of the items that are available.
